Hope For Your Shattered Heart

Boom! Crack! I wonder if the neighbors heard that, I thought to myself as I stared at the pile of broken pottery pieces on the ground.

That Saturday morning, my backyard had become an experiment ground. My mission was to purposefully break a clay pot and glue the pieces back together. Little did I know that God was about to expand my view on brokenness.

The idea was birthed from a book where a woman shared her testimony and held up a clay pot, broken and glued back together for the audience to see. She proposed that the light shining through the cracks was stunning. 

I never thought something broken could be beautiful, I pondered.

Captivated by that lovely illustration of light glistening its way through the cracks in her clay pot, I just knew I needed to discover how that looked and felt for myself.

Broken. I could relate to that. The shattered dreams and smashed hopes of my own life resembled those broken pieces. The first time my heart cracked like a clay pot, I was staring at the ultrasound monitor and could not finding my baby’s heartbeat. I felt crushed. Destroyed. The next time my heart was shattered into a million pieces was my devastating divorce. I felt damaged. Wrecked. The most recent heartbreak was holding my dearest friend’s hand through chemotherapy but still losing her to cancer only four months later. I felt fractured. Ruined.

Each moment had left me splintered and beaten down by the weight of my grief. How can I piece the fragments back together? I honestly was not sure, but after hearing about the women’s story, I was hopeful. Perhaps there was a purpose to my brokenness.

Maybe you are wondering the same thing.

What if God’s light shines the brightest through our cracks and broken places? 

You see, a pot with no cracks or chips does not allow much light through it. However, if a pot has many of those broken places but still shines brightly for Jesus despite them, then that is a beautiful thing. 

Could our brokenness actually help us be a stronger light? 

Friend, there is something powerful about doing something physically that symbolizes how you feel emotionally. I discovered this truth when I broke my own piece of pottery that weekend in my backyard. What God revealed to me unleashed hope.

Maybe you don’t see hope as you stare at another negative pregnancy test. Perhaps you don’t see hope as you are raising your kids as a single parent. It could be that you don’t see hope as you drive to another chemo appointment.

Hope is an important ingredient as we look at our broken pieces.

After breaking the clay pot against the concrete flowerbed, it was time to piece together the fragments. I plugged in my hot glue gun and put the remains of the pottery back together. As I placed a candle inside the reassembled pot, I was surprised by what I saw.

The beams of light were shining radiantly through the slivers and cracks. It was breathtaking! That night, I took many pictures to remind me that God can take my broken pieces and turn them into something beautiful—and that He will do the same for you.

Just imagine others seeing God’s light shine brightly through the cracks and grief in your life! That light is appealing, and it will invite them to be vulnerable and share their own broken stories.

There is beauty in brokenness.

Have you ever heard of kintsugi? It is a Japanese art where the artist intentionally uses broken pieces of pottery. Instead of trying to hide their brokenness, the artist highlights each crack with a gold lacquer, making the pot more valuable with each fracture. After all the holes have been redeemed, the finished product is a treasure.

The kintsugi clay pot is priceless, not in spite of its cracks but because of them. 

So are you! God takes your broken heart and pieces it back together. He takes your broken story and turns it into a redemption story.

Do you want God to bring beauty to your ashes? Your broken story is a gift to share with others.

I encourage you today to ask God to take your shattered heart and use it to offer hope to another grieving soul.

Note: This is an excerpt from Jodi’s new book– Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength.


  1. Laura on June 21, 2023 at 7:24 am

    So beautiful! I love how God can use our brokenness (and I love your recent podcast about this!)

    • Jodi Rosser on June 21, 2023 at 8:44 am

      Thanks Laura! I so appreciate your encouraging feedback! Love that episode too!

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