Hope For Those Grieving This Mother’s Day

In May, we honor moms! For some of us, this will be a special day. But for others, Mother’s Day will be a very difficult day.

For those who have lost their mom.  For those who long to be a mom and that dream has not happened yet. For those who have lost a child.

I want to encourage you and offer you hope by sharing some things that helped me during my grief.

1.Give yourself lots of grace. Remember that you are dearly loved!

2. Ask God for strength and energy to get through the day.  Invite friends to pray for you too.

3.Surround yourself with people who care and can empathize with you. This could be your family, friends, or your small group at church.

4. Be honest with how you are feeling and let others know what you need.  Journal how you are feeling if that helps!

5. Talk about the loved one you are missing.  Let yourself cry if needed; I remember shedding lots of tears.

6. Don’t put any expectations on yourself to do the same traditions you have done in the past if it is too much for you.

7. Guard your heart by taking a social media break.  Social Media makes you think that everyone has it all together, and you are the only one whose heart is shattered.

8. Fill your mind with truth by listening to worship music or reading a helpful book.

9. Please don’t rush your grief.  Don’t worry about anyone else’s expectations.  You set your pace for the day.

10. And most importantly, remember that “It is okay not to be okay.” Once again, give yourself lots of grace!

I am truly so sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you and praying for you as God helps you get through this hard day. Sending you a big hug!

Love, Jodi

Note: In 2020, Saddleback Church hosted a gathering for grieving women a couple nights before Mother’s Day called the Bella Donne, which means beautiful women in Italian. Click here to listen. I pray this encourages you especially if your heart is hurting this Mother’s Day.

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