Soar like an Eagle
Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.”
I love the word, soar. It makes me think of an eagle soaring high above the clouds. Did you know that eagles are the only bird who fly higher in a storm? Others birds will find shelter during a storm but not the eagle. The eagle allows the strong winds to lift them even higher, high above the storm. The raging storm actually helps them soar high above the clouds.
Like the eagle, do you want to soar above the storm? Do you want to rise to greater heights in the middle of the hard times in your life?
I love what Holley Gerth says in her devotional, Rain on Me. “We can take the difficulties in life and use them as a force that takes us higher than ever before. That isn’t an easy thing to do, but God promises that if we’ll spread our wings and yield to the winds He’s allowed to come into our lives, He will give us the strength to soar.”
What if getting to new heights has little to do about our strength but more about depending on God’s strength?
Maybe it is not about striving for more but instead it is about surrendering to God’s plan.
Could it be that God will only take us higher after he has grown us deeper?
Isaiah 40:31 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.”
If you want to soar, it is essential to put your hope in God, to fully trust that God has a greater plan even beyond your wildest imagination. Keep focused on the fact that God is developing your character and preparing you for His purpose. Do not give up hope along the way when the detour is long and you feel discouraged. Remember in the waiting time that God is developing deep roots in you so that you will be ready to soar to new heights.
Are you ready to soar above the storm?
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Oh my gosh! I love the comparison of us to the eagle, and God to the strong winds, and letting Him elevate us above the clouds so that we can soar, as we fix our eyes on Jesus. Also loved the deep roots part!
So so good!!