Rainbows are Reminders of God’s Promises
Driving my son to school this morning, we saw this gorgeous rainbow in the sky. The rain had just started as we loaded up in the car. My son has a zero period so the sun had just rose on this bright and early morning. Together, the sun and these tiny water drops created a beautiful full rainbow across the morning sky. It was so large that we could not capture it all with our camera phones.
I love Rainbows. There is something special about them.
Rainbows are Reminders of God’s Promises!
As a science teacher, I teach about how rainbows are made. Did you know that you cannot make a rainbow without light? You actually need both a water droplet and sunlight to make a rainbow. The raindrop reflects and refracts the sunlight which causes the spectrum of light to appear in the sky.
This made me think about the personal storms in our lives that we face. Sometimes the rain comes down so hard that we can barely see in front us. It can feel dark and lonely. During this time, I know it can be easy to stay focused on our problems.
But what if we turned toward the light!
Just like a raindrop needs the light to make a rainbow, we need God’s light in the middle of our storms, so we can see past our problems and focus on God’s promises.
Invite God into your struggles and ask Him for His strength and comfort. Seek Him daily and pray for wisdom on how to persevere during the storm.
Friends, I cannot promise that your storm will stop right away. Honestly, mine did not. However, even if your circumstances do not change, your perspective will change. God’s promises through the storm will shine brightly in the darkness of the storm clouds and rain. Remember, you do not have to face this alone; God wants to walk with you during your storm.
Love, Jodi
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217. The Love Your Life Project — Karen Ehman
How are you at balancing your responsibilities and your relationships? Do you tend to lean towards projects over people? Or people over projects? I feel…
100% in agreement with you! I love the part…“ However, even if your circumstances do not change, your perspective will change. God’s promises through the storm will shine brightly in the darkness of the storm clouds and rain.”
Well said! And so very true! This has gotten me through some very scary times. And looking back I find it heartwarming with fond memories of the storms. And the bond that is formed with God. You are giving some amazing nuggets of wisdom inspired by God! Your blogs are filled with some great insight.