I am certain of this!

Did you wake up today with feelings of anxiousness or fear?  I know we are living in uncertain times, and this can leave us with many negative emotions. 

I love what our Pastor said in one of his recent messages, “What we know is what gets us through.”  So today, I want to write about what I am certain about.

I am certain God is with us as we walk through this unexpected storm.  

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalms 34:18, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.”  As our hearts are full of emotions, God is there comforting us and guiding us.  He was with me during my deepest pain when I walked through a heartbreaking divorce.  He was with me in my grief when I lost my sweet baby girl at 16 weeks pregnant. He was with me during my intense sadness as my dear friend lost her battle to cancer. 

Friends, if God was with us in past storms, He will be with us in future and present storms including COVID-19.  I am certain of this!

I am certain God cares and will meet all of our needs.

As I walk through the grocery store, I see many empty shelves which can lead to worry.  I have to intentionally stop and remind myself that God will provide all my needs.  He will do the same for you. 

Just like He provides for the birds of the air (Matthew 6: 26), He will provide food for you and your family during this coronavirus. Last week, my podcast guest shares how God showed her a sparrow to remind her that He will provide.  It was amazing because God revealed a bird to me that same week.  I pray God will show you a bird this week too as a reminder that He will provide all your needs.

Friends, God deeply cares about you.  I am certain of this!

I am certain God is in control even when life spins out of control.

This one can be the hardest to believe as we stay hunkered down inside and watch the news. It is difficult to believe that God can bring good out of this world crisis. However, I believe God specializes in bringing purpose to our pain and beauty for our ashes.  This is the gift of hindsight; we can see how God was working out all the details. 

This reminds of the song, WayMaker.  I love the part when we sing, “Even when I can’t see it, you are working. Even when I can’t feel it, you are working.  You never stop, You never stop working.” 

Friends, God is working even when we cannot see it and He is in control even when life feels out of control.  I am certain of this!

When doubt and worries enter your mind, I recommend writing out what you know for certain and cling to those truths. 

God is with you, God cares, and God is in control.  Friends, I am certain of this!

Love, Jodi

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