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Depth Podcast Episode 25: Spring Cleaning For Your Heart and Home — Amy Terry

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Today, I cannot wait for you to hear my conversation with Amy Terry.  We discuss her devotional, *Spring Cleaning for Your Heart & Home.  I think you are going to love the premise behind her book as she looks closer at a verse in Matthew.  Honestly, hearing this special verse in the Message version was one of my favorite parts.

Again, I love God’s Timing for this episode on spring cleaning as we are staying home for the next weeks.  I think decluttering and simplifying are both a great use of our time as we are “sheltering in place”.  Amy focuses on more than just the physical cleaning of our homes; I love how she connects it to our hearts! 

I promise you that you do not want to miss this episode.

Book Recommendations:

Amy Terry is a writer of Bible Studies and Monday Morning Devotions on Biblical Daughterhood at She lives in North Carolina with her Nascar chaplain husband, three kids, and a Malshi puppy named Millie. Find her Devotional: *Spring Cleaning for Your Heart & Home: Praying Your Way to a Clean House.

*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!

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