Growth Helpers vs. Growth Hinders

I could not believe the time on the clock.

The worries in my mind began swirling at the early hour of 4:00am.  Not able to fall back asleep, I decided to work on a message I am giving next month on Depth. 

As I was preparing, God reminded me that growth involves intentionality.  

We can choose to focus on things that will help and improve our growth or on things that will hinder and stunt our growth.  Where we focus our mind can make all the difference.

So let me ask you a question: What are your Growth Helpers and Growth Hinders?  Without revealing the entire message, let me share one of each!

One of my growth helpers is consistent time with God!  

How does this practically look? For me, I am loving the First 5 app from Proverbs 31 Ministries for my devotionals.  In January, I started in Genesis, and I am slowly making my way through the Bible.  I don’t have any time constraints; I just read a chapter or two a day.  I am now in Ezra and God has revealed so much to me through the beginning of the Old Testament. 

I wish I can say that this discipline of time with God comes naturally to me. Honestly, many years ago, I asked God to wake me up before my kids, so I could have time with Him. Guess what — God was faithful and like clockwork, my eyes woke up at 6:00am everyday.  Over time, this consistency has become a habit that I now look forward to in the early hours of the am!   

In contrast, one of my growth hinders is comparison.

I wish I could say that I don’t struggle with it anymore, but I would be lying if I did.  Last night, I was exhausted and honestly, should have just gone to bed, but I decided to grab my phone and head on to social media instead. I wish my mind could have set off a loud alarm with red flashing lights reminding me that this was a bad idea. Sure enough, comparison reared its ugly head.

Thankfully, God revealed some ways to combat comparison as I prepared for my message this morning.  I love when God shares with me something I need to hear just as much as the ones I am writing it for.   

Friends, I encourage you today to identify your own growth helpers and growth hinders! It will make all the difference.

Love, Jodi

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