51. Loved & Cherished — Lynn Cowell & Michelle Nietert
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This week, I talk with Lynn Cowell and Michelle Nietert about their book, * Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotionals for Girls. I love that this devotional reminds girls of their identity in Christ. They are loved, cherished, and God’s unique masterpiece! These are foundational truths that are important to instill in girls at a young age, so they can remember them through the teenage years. Honestly, I think we as women need to be reminded of these same truths.
I love that Lynn and Michelle are giving a copy of their devotional to a girl in foster care when you buy a copy of *Loved & Cherished! This offer is for the first two weeks of their book launch, so this amazing offer ends Sept 22nd so please act fast. More details about it on the website for their book: https://lovedandcherished.me/
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Lynn and Michelle’s devotional for girls, *Loved & Cherished. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click on this direct link: https://jodirosser.com/giveaways/loved-cherished-book-giveaway/
Lastly, Lynn and Michelle host a podcast together called Raising Brave Beauties. It was created for moms and daughters to listen together. But I think if you are influencing a girl through church or as a grandmother, aunt, or family friend, I think it would be beneficial for you too. I plan to listen to it with my nieces.
I cannot wait for you to hear all about this devotional on the podcast this week; I promise you that you do not want to miss the truth Lynn and Michelle share!
Book Recommendations:
- The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
- Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund
Lynn Cowell is part of the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker and writing team. As the author of several books, written for women of all ages, her newest book is: Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotionals for Girls. Lynn calls home North Carolina, where she and her husband, Greg, and the occasional backyard deer are adjusting to life as “just us”. Along with their three adult children, the Cowells love hiking, rafting, and anything combining chocolate and peanut butter. You can connect with Lynn at her website: https://lynncowell.com/ or on facebook and Instagram @lynncowell
Michelle Nietert, M.A., Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor has been providing therapeutic interventions to children and their families in counseling offices for over 20 years. A recognized expert in Solution Focused Therapy, she is the clinical director and owner of a large counseling center in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Michelle’s writing can be found on the MOPS blog, in Lifeway’s Parenting Magazine and she is the Mental Health columnist for Just Between Us Magazine. She also joins her audiences in the parenting trenches as a happily married mom of two school-aged children. To discover her Counselor Thoughts blog and podcast providing Solutions for Life, please visit MichelleNietert.com.
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