Embracing Plan B
This was not my plan for my life.
With tears streaming down my face, the reality that I would be raising my kids as a single mom hit me. I never planned on being divorced.
It is hard when life throws us curve balls. We don’t plan on the same negative answer showing up on the pregnancy test each month. We don’t plan on a call from the doctor with a cancer diagnosis. We don’t plan on losing a baby in the middle of a pregnancy.
Friends, most of us are not living our Plan A.
Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and all our plans change in an instant. We find ourselves along a new path that we never wanted.
I just finished reading Vivian Mabuni’s new book, Open Hands, Willing Heart. I love what she says, “One of greatest challenges we face in living with open hands is being asked to accept life’s disappointments and embrace plan B.”
Embrace Plan B!
These words stood out to me on the page. So much of life and learning to navigate life’s disappointments involves embracing Plan B. I know this is not easy.
It is hard to trust God’s plans are good when we cannot see or understand why. I think there is something special about hindsight. Looking back, I can see how God used each one of my disappointments and heartbreaks to help another hurting heart. I know He wants to do the same for you.
Your greatest heartbreak will become your greatest ministry.
I love how Vivian says it in her book, “Each heartbreak formed a bridge to connecting with others walking similar roads.” I don’t know about you, but I want to allow my heartbreak to form bridges with other hurting hearts.
I want to encourage you to vulnerably share your struggles and how God met you in your pain. Someone else needs to hear your story.
If I am complete honest, walking through a divorce was not the plan I had for my life. Even though I would have not chosen that path for me, I can see how God is using my hurt and pain to help others.
I love that God specializes in redeeming our stories. Today, I encourage you to embrace Plan B and watch God bring purpose to your pain.
Love, Jodi
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217. The Love Your Life Project — Karen Ehman
How are you at balancing your responsibilities and your relationships? Do you tend to lean towards projects over people? Or people over projects? I feel…
So true. Nothing is wasted in God’s economy. I have experienced God’s redemptive ways through many experiences when I thought my life was such a waste. Encouraging words, friend.
Thanks Charla, So thankful that God does not waste our hurts and pain. Love that you have experienced God’s redemptive ways too!