12 Important Steps to Take if you find yourself in an Unwanted Divorce

My heart broke as another friend shared with me her devastating news: her husband wanted a divorce.

It was the third time that week that I had heard of another marriage ending.  One more family whose kids would have to navigate the tough road of two homes. Knowing how difficult this journey would be, I gave her a big hug.

Sadness flooded my heart as I listened to her share about her unwanted divorce.

That day, I offered her my support and let her know that I was here for her. 

As I drove home, I started to think, how can I practically help my friend who is entering into this messy world of divorce. Maybe you know someone who is sadly walking this hard road.

Thankfully God gave me some ideas over the next month. I also reached out to some of my divorced friends and asked them what they recommended too. Together, we brainstormed! All our thoughts have been collaborated into the following resource.

A Divorce “Get” List: 12 Important Steps to Take if you find yourself in an Unwanted Divorce

Click Here to Download this Free Resource

Now let me be clear, these items take time and intentionality. Many of them are not a quick one and done which is what you make think when you see a checklist.

Instead, I want you to think of this list as permission to take time on your healing journey.

Some items could take months or years- I just want to share some items that helped me those first weeks and months.

I am praying for all the single moms who did not sign up for single parenting. All the women whose hearts are broken by the one person they thought would love them forever. 

I totally understand your hurt and pain and I want you to know that I am here for you. 

If you are reading this and know someone who is walking this hard road, will you please forward this to them. I truly want to help and encourage their hurting heart!

Love, Jodi

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