The Best Gifts To Comfort a Friend in Miscarriage

I woke up drowsy from my operation. Sadly, just days before, the sonogram revealed the heartbreaking news. My baby’s heart had stopped beating at sixteen weeks pregnant.
Words cannot describe the devastation I experienced that day in the doctor’s office. With tears streaming down my face, I stared at the ultrasound monitor in shock. My hopes and dreams for my baby were gone in an instant. They were over before they even began.
After a long day of surgery, I left the hospital with empty arms.
On the drive home, my eyes welled up again with tears as I realized miscarriage was now part of my story.
As we pulled into the driveway, my eyes spotted a surprise by my doorstep. There sat a huge, beautiful pot alongside a fruit tree.
In lieu of flowers, our friends had given us a tree to plant in memory of our baby.
What a brilliant idea, I thought. Flowers will eventually die, but we can have this fruit tree forever.
Planting the tree was more emotional than I had anticipated.
As we poured the potting soil, the fresh dirt was warm to my hands. My empty hands. I started crying. I should be holding my sweet baby in my arms, not planting a tree in her memory. Another wave of grief hit me. My heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces all over again.
The loss was real. Tears continued to roll down my face as we physically rooted the tree into the large ceramic container. My friends had thought of everything by providing the giant pot. In case we ever moved, we could take our special remembrance tree with us.
Even though that day was emotionally difficult, Baby Grace’s remembrance tree was my favorite gift in the midst of the grief.
I am still so grateful for the thoughtfulness of my friends. Even today when I see it, I smile and think of her.
When a loved one walks through a miscarriage, it may be hard to think of the right gift you can give them to honor their baby or help them in their healing. I would like to share with you some more gift ideas that I have either given or received myself as well as some ideas from friends who have lost a baby.
Head on over to my guest post on the Hope In Grief website to read all the ideas.

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