One Word Challenge 2018

Happy New Year!!  It is that time again, many of us set goals and make resolutions.  A couple years ago, I was introduced to the One Word Challenge.  It is basically choosing one word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live the following year.   I have participated the last couple years and loved it so I decided to do it again this year. I want to share with you my word.

My word for 2018 is Faithful.

 Let me explain- this summer, a guest pastor came and spoke at Saddleback church.  He talked about being faithful and he continued to say the word over and over repeating it as he walked in a circle: Faithful and Faithful….He literally said it about 30 times in a row and then he said Fruitful.  It was very powerful!  He talked about our part is being faithful and God’s part is fruitful. I just loved what he said.

If I am completely honest, I did not think about these words again until just recently when I was praying about what word I should focus on this year.  The words from the guest pastor came flooding to my head.  God calls us to be faithful and then in His timing, He makes us fruitful.   I just love how these two words work together- our job is faithfulness, God’s job is fruitfulness!  So, I have chosen the word Faithful this year and I want to faithfully follow God’s plans for me this year!  Super excited to see what He has planned!


Again my kids have decided to choose a word this year.  One chose respect and one chose kindness.  I am so excited to see how God works in their life!

Lastly, I want to encourage you to share your word with a friend!   I know I would love to hear your word too; please email me and let me know if you do the challenge!!

 Love, Jodi

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