One Word Challenge 2017

One Word Challenge 2017

Happy New Year!!  For the last couple years, I have participated in the One Word Challenge.  It is basically choosing one word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live the following year.  It has truly been so helpful to me that I decided to do it again this year.

My word for 2017 is Depth

Depth is a word that came to me on the plane ride home from my family vacation this summer.  I had been thinking about how God had been using the Christian books I had been reading to help me grow.  As I was thinking about growing deeper in my faith, the word depth came to my head and I just loved it!  I love how God works because I started noticing this word in other books I was reading and in conversations.  In fact, the next year in the fall, I was leading my son’s KSG class and the whole lesson was about growing deeper in God’s Word and they had the illustration of a tree that needs deep roots to really grow and bear fruit.  The scientist in me loved the word picture as well as the confirmation that this was suppose to my word for 2017!

Not only do I want to grow deeper in my faith but I want to continue to have deep connections with the people in my life.  I want depth in my relationship with my kids, my family, my friends and other people that God places in my path. To me, Depth involves being intentional- my word from 2015 and continuing to balance my life- my word from 2016 so I have time to really grow these important relationships!   So, I am excited to see where how God uses this word Depth in my life this next year!

Again my kids have decided to chose a word this year.  One chose respect and one chose kindness.  I am so excited to see how God works in their life!

I want to encourage all of you to do the one word challenge!!   Here are some word examples from if you need help:

Believe, Present, Different, Dare, No, Courage, Push, Selah, Risk, Opportunity, Rebuilding, Purpose, Possibility, Be, Relax, Connect, Curious, Revel, Reduce, Choose, Empower, Finish, Simplify, Ambition, Health, Diligence, Love, Momentum, Faith, Relentless, Focus, Awake, Ignite, Change, Generous, Action, Confidence, Soar, Appreciate, Uplift, Optimism, Battle, Sacrifice, Minimize, Stewardship, Learn, Reflection, Resolve, Transition, Joy, Determined, Direction, Release, Trust, Unstoppable, Freedom, Shine, Embrace, Adapt, Truth, Adventure, Enjoy, Invest, Thrive, Perspective, Today, Slow, Imagine, Grace, Peace, Write, Silence, Together, Strength, Organize, New, Persistence, Progress, Listen, Open, Celebrate, Balance, Pause, Brave, Fortitude, Discover, More, Commit, Growth, Mindfulness, Breathe, Create, Live, Integrity, Transformation, Forward

Also, there is a book called *My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen.. I actually have not read it but plan to this year.

Lastly, I want to encourage you to share your word with a friend!   I know I would love to hear your word too; please email me and let me know if you do the challenge!!

Love, Jodi

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When God Asks You to Have Bold Faith

Is God asking you to be bold in your faith? Maybe He wants you to tell a coworker about Jesus. Maybe He has put someone…

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I love to get the right book into a reader’s hands! After each podcast, I will be giving away a copy of the book that I am recommending!