One Word Challenge 2016
Happy New Year!! It is that time again, many of us set goals and make resolutions. A couple years ago, I was introduced to the One Word Challenge. It is basically choosing one word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live the following year. I did it last year and loved it so I decided to do it again this year and I wanted to share with you my two words (I know you are only supposed to pick one but two really stood out to me again this year 🙂
My two words for 2016 are Balance and Abide
Balance is a word that I have encountered a lot lately. I want to have balance in my schedule for both me and my kids! I want to have a balance of hard work, fun, service (giving back to others) and some relaxation/ reboot time! Also, God has shown me the importance of balance in my relationships; I need to have a balance of both truth and grace in my relationships especially with my kids!
The word abide has come up in my quiet times and books over the last 6 months. I think of the verse in John 15 where it says, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” Abide means to remain in or to fully depend on God for everything. I am excited to focus on this word this year! I truly believe that God wants me to go to him first for everything! It is so easy to seek counsel from friends and family first and then pray second. So, this year, I am going to try to pray first and go to God first before I call a friend! Pray for me- I will definitely need some help on this one!
I want to encourage all of you to do the one word challenge!! In fact, my kids have also decided to chose a word this year. One chose responsibility and one chose self-control. I am so excited to see how God works in their life!
Lastly, I encourage you to share your word with a friend! I know I would love to hear your word too; please email me and let me know if you do the challenge!!
Love, Jodi
If you want more info on the word challenge- see website:
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