It is happening…my book is going to be published!

I am so excited to announce that I signed a contract with Redemption Press to publish my book.
Another in awe of God moment!
Five years ago, God planted a dream in my heart. It has been special to reflect back over these purposeful years and see God’s hand guiding me.
- In 2017, God literally dropped a book idea in my mind while I was swimming. Like a vision, I saw words on a page telling my story. I remember asking God that morning, “Do you want me to write a book” and in my heart, I heard yes.
- In 2018, God showed me the importance of including all three of my heartbreaks in the book: my miscarriage, my divorce, and my grief from losing my good friend to cancer. Praying for wisdom on how to write a book with three different storylines, God gave me an acronym for the word, STRENGTH, as I began to lay out the content in my book. That summer, I wrote my first book proposal and the majority of the book’s content
- In 2019, God prompted me to start the Depth Podcast to help others grow deeper in their faith and stronger in their relationships. Little did I know how much this podcast would help me connect with others who have walked through heartbreak and are desiring to grow in their faith too.
- In 2020, God helped me finish writing the book as well as taught my patience as I waited for His perfect timing for this book to release.
- In 2021, God provided a book editor to help coach me and professionally edit my manuscript. In addition, a publisher offered me some great advice and wisdom in changing the title of the book.
- In 2022, God led me to a Christian publishing partner who not only understands the importance of God’s redemption but claims Romans 8:28 as their company’s verse.
Only God can do all of this. I stand in awe of Him today!
I want to be completely honest, in the middle of this excitement about my book, I am also experiencing a fresh wound of heartbreak from the disloyalty of a friend. The timing of this hurt is not lost on me. As I wrestle with God over it, I am reminded that the message in this book is needed.
Heartbreak will happen. When it does, how can we take the pain and entrust it to our Savior? How do we allow it to grow our faith deeper?
I believe our greatest heartbreaks catapult us to our greatest growth.
I also know that we cannot do this in our own strength. We need God’s power to move from Heartbreak to Strength!
So, with great joy, I announce Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength coming later this year, in 2022!
My prayer is that this book will help another hurting heart!
Love, Jodi

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