So thankful that God takes our broken pieces and turns them into something beautiful.
This reminded me of my cracked clay pot. Captivated by the light shining through the cracks, God taught me so many lessons as I purposely broke it and pieced it back together years ago. What if God’s light shined the brightest through our cracks and broken places?
You see, a pot with no cracks, chips, or broken places does not allow much light through it. However, if a pot has many cracks and broken places but still shines brightly for Jesus despite those circumstances, then that is a beautiful thing.
Could our brokenness actually help us to be a stronger light?
These words are from a guest blog post I wrote for Misty titled Beauty in the Broken. I wanted to dive deeper and share more about brokenness and all the God has shown me.
To read the entire blog post, click the Link to my Guest Blog Post: Beauty In The Broken
Just like this piece of pottery, your cracks and broken pieces are beautiful when placed in the hands of Jesus.
Jesus is the one who gives us Hope.
Hope that our brokenness has a purpose. Hope that God can use our broken story to encourage another hurting heart. Hope that God can turn my tears into my testimony!
Friend, if you are walking through an expected storm, I pray these words encourage you. I believe God wants to take your broken heart and turn it into something beautiful too!
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