Depth Podcast Episode 67: Walk, Run, Soar — Dorina Gilmore Young
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This week on the podcast, Dorina Gilmore Young and I talk her new book, *Walk, Run, Soar. The title of her book reminds me of one of my favorite verses: Isaiah 40:31. We both share what this verse means to us as well as Dorina shares how running was part of her grief journey. For all my running friends, you do not want to miss this 52-week running devotional. For all my friends who love to learn about God through His Creation, you will enjoy hearing what Dorina learned about God through her trail runs in nature. Honestly, this is my favorite part; I love how God’s Creation can point us back to God and expand our view of Him and our relationship with Him.
I promise you do not want to miss this episode!
Book Recommendations:
- One Thousand Gifts by Anne Voskamp
- Take Heart Devotion by InCourage
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Dorina’s book: *Walk, Run, Soar. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodirosser.com or you can click this direct link: https://jodirosser.com/giveaways/walk-run-soar-giveaway/
Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young is author, speaker, former news reporter, and long-time runner. She blogs at DorinaGilmore.com and is a contributor on DaySpring’s (in)courage writing team. Dorina is a “glory chaser,” who meets God running trails through the mountains or near the ocean. She is passionate about helping people discover God’s glory on life’s unexpected paths. Dorina and her husband Shawn started the Glory Chasers running group on Facebook where they serve up coaching, courage and community for Christian runners. Walk Run Soar, their devotional and training journal published by Bethany House/Baker, released September 2020. Dorina and Shawn are raising three brave daughters in Central California. Connect with her at www.DorinaGilmore.com
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*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!