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Depth Podcast Episode 21: Inspiring Story — Dana Wrinkle

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Today, I cannot wait for you to hear Dana’s powerful story.  God asked her to step out in faith and sponsor a water well.  Honestly, the details of her story are inspiring and will leave you in awe of God and the way He orchestrated the details.  My favorite part is how God used a book to ignite this water well dream and I love how He brought it full circle in the end with the author of this book- not a coincidence but God’s amazing providence!   You do not want to miss this phenomenal story.

I promise you that you do not want to miss this episode.

Book Recommendations:

Dana Wrinkle is a writer passionate about telling His story. She loves nothing more than talking about what God is doing in the everyday — taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. She is a mother to four children under the age of fourteen; a wife, runner, Bible Study teacher, nurse anesthetist and an adventurer with a heart for Africa. God has sent her on three medical missions to Africa and one God- ordained call to a water well.

You can connect more with Dana on her website at https://danawrinkle.com/

*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!

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I love to get the right book into a reader’s hands! After each podcast, I will be giving away a copy of the book that I am recommending!