Heartbreak to Strength Blog
Helping you find hope, joy, and purpose in your unexpected storms. Friend, I cannot promise that life will be storm-free, but I can promise that God will be faithful in the middle of the storm. He was for me, and I know He will for you. My prayer is that you will find encouragement and hope each week through my Heartbreak to Strength blog.

What No One Tells You About Having a Really Good Cry
It’s the thing that broke me, carved a sharp ache deep inside. I cried tears I thought would never stop. And yet, when I say it out loud, it sounds petty. Everyday. A non-event. Except…
Divine Desperation
When the worship leader invited us to stand up and worship, I had to resist the wave of nausea that attempted to knock me back into my seat. The pain was so intense, I felt…
Finding Strength Through Surrender
We all know the feeling of heartbreak: how it aches, how it ruins. How we long. The year 2007 is what I often refer to as my “mountaintop.” My relationship with God was on fire,…
Discovering God’s Provision in the Middle of Heartbreak
“So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided.” Genesis 22:14 This is a story…
Embracing God’s Faithfulness In Loss
From my earliest memories, I have known that God is faithful. I’ve sung hymns about it, I’ve taught my kids about it and I’ve memorized verses about it. It’s one thing to study God’s faithfulness…
Finding Strength to Forgive
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 I breathed in before jumping off the boat into the November waters of the…
Transformed by Grief
Our family has a long-standing tradition of singing the Twelve Days of Christmas. Beginning on Christmas Day, we light white candles in the center of the table before dinner and sing Joy to the World,…
Held By His Strength
I don’t do it every year, but in January 2014, I reluctantly settled on my “word of the year.” In praying about which word I felt led to, I resisted the one continually popping into…
God Rescued My Broken Heart
My life is not at all what it started out to be. Back in the day – late 90’s, I was certain I had it all figured out and was right on track for harnessing…