Featured On...
It is an honor to be a guest on a podcast or blog series. I love sharing more of my story and how God has grown my faith. I believe it is important to honestly share our God stories and help another hurting heart. My hope is that these guest posts and podcasts will encourage you in your faith. Please click on the links below to listen and read.

Podcast Guest
One Word Can Change Everything Devotion
Excited to have you hear my five minute devotion on Erin’s podcast this week! I read an excerpt from a chapter in my book, Depth called One Word Can Change Everything. Hearing my friend’s cancer diagnosis caused worry to occupy my mind. Maybe you can relate. I pray the truth I share will encourage you…
Podcast Guest on Women Lead Radio
How can we find unexpected gifts in the midst of unwanted storms? Join us on Women Lead Radio as Dianne Callahan, the host of The Lighthearted Life, has a conversation with me about my first book,…
Heartbreak Is Not The End Of Your Story
Such an honor to be a guest on the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast with my friend, Julie Lefebure! Heartbreak is not the end of your story is the title of our episode. Maybe you…
Podcast Guest on More Than Small Talk
It was such a joy to be a guest on the More than Small Talk Podcast with Suzie Eller, Holley Gerth, and Jennifer Watson. I had the privilege to share about my book, Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak…
Guest Writer
Who needs to hear your story of God’s redemption?
Note: This is an excerpt from Jodi’s book– Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength. I am still in awe about how God used my story. Across the globe in Rwanda, Africa, our Saddleback Church Kids Small Group (KSG) team gathered for our final morning meeting. Just eleven days earlier, my youngest son graduated from elementary…
Focus on the Small Gifts in the Middle of the Big Storm
Note: This is an excerpt from Jodi’s book– Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength. I will never forget that day God gifted to me. “Would you like me to warm you up some soup?” I…
Three Easy Steps to Living with No Regrets
Below is an excerpt from my guest post for Mary’s website: Butterfly Living. The unkind comment quickly rolled off my tongue. Like a snap reaction, the snarky statement left my mouth intended to hurt the…
Guest Post: Grow From Your Pain
Below is an excerpt from my guest post for Evelyn Sherwood’s Stories of Hope Blog Series. In fact, it is a small part of Chapter 2 in my book, Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength….