Broken & Mended

Her words jumped off the page.

After walking through my heartbreaking divorce, I felt broken much like this tea cup. I use to think my brokenness disqualified me, but now I know it is the very ingredient God uses to help another hurting heart. The same is true for you.

In the Hands of God, “Your Broken Things Can Become Blessed Things.”

Just imagine God picking up your broken pieces and redeeming them. I love that He does not waste one piece! But YOU have to be willing to give Him the shattered pieces of your story.

I know it is not easy, but I promise God will make something beautiful out of your brokenness. He has done it for me, and I know He can do it for you.

Can you see the light? It is shining through your cracks and broken pieces, reminding others that God never wastes a hurt.

Broken & Mended! Such a beautiful thing!

Love, Jodi

This brokenness quote is from Kaitlyn Bouchillon’s book, *Even If Not, the book I highlight on the podcast this week. I am giving away a copy of her book along with this beautiful artwork print of the brokenness quote. Click here for details on the giveaway: Even If Not Book/Artwork Print Giveaway

New Free Resource

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to share with a group of women about taking a leap of faith. Doubt is one of the biggest reasons we don’t follow what God has placed on our heart. So I wrote out 10 “Not Enough” Statements we tell ourselves and a Bible Verse to combat each one. I pray God’s truth helps you step out in faith.

If you are interested in this resource, please go to my website, and subscribe. I would love to share it with you as well as a link to my Free Resources Page. If you are already subscribed to my website, I have sent you a link to download this free resource.

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When God Asks You to Have Bold Faith

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I love to get the right book into a reader’s hands! After each podcast, I will be giving away a copy of the book that I am recommending!