A Wonderful Surprise!
I could not believe my eyes. This was a wonderful surprise!
Have you ever been surprised by God? You were just doing your daily routine, and then God gives you a little nugget of truth or a special gift. It could be through the words of a friend or the book you are reading. Or it could be an actual present that just makes you stand there in awe of Him.
This is what happened to me on Saturday morning. I was garage saling with my sister; one of my favorite things to do. I was looking for nice pants for my son for our Rwanda trip because they cannot wear jeans. I remembered a house that sold clothes similar to his size from previous years (yes, I am a devoted garage sale fan!), so I headed to that street.
As I was walking down the road, this picture caught my eye.
The lighting in this picture just captivated me. The dark clouds in the sky revealed the tree did withstand the storm. Completely encompassing the entire tree is this beautiful light, with the brightest light sparkling through the tree to the world around.
Wow- I just stood there completely in awe of God.
Trees are significant to me. As I walked through my own storm, God has used the symbol of a tree to remind me about the importance of DEPTH and growing deep roots in my faith.
This is why this picture was such a special gift to me that morning and now hangs above my bed as a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness in life’s storms. Honestly, this picture could be the cover of my book: Heartbreak to Strength.
The storm has not defeated the tree but instead made it stronger.
Even when the winds raged and the rain drenched its branches, the tree did not give way. It just depended on its deep roots to endure the storm.
Friends, just like this tree, I pray we can depend of our deep roots in our faith as we endure our storms. Trusting that God has a plan even when we cannot see it through the storm clouds. Knowing that God can use it for good as we seek Him and run to Him. Believing that our pain can have a greater purpose.
It is all about perspective. You see, if the whole picture was light and sunny, then the tree would not stand out. But as the tree shines brightly in the middle of the dark storm, now others take notice of this beautiful sight.
What if our storms and struggles actually help us be a stronger light?
Friends, persevering through a storm is not easy. I know how real the hurt and pain can be. Today, I pray you rely on God’s strength and comfort through the storm, so that others can see God’s love and purpose shining through you!
Love, Jodi
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