A Special Surprise

I could not believe my eyes.

Have you ever been surprised by God? You were just doing your daily routine, and then God gives you a little nugget of truth or a special gift. It could be through the words of a friend or the book you are reading. Or it could be an actual present that just makes you stand there in awe of Him.

Last week, I found another surprise as I was shopping with my parents. Sitting by the register, this tree just captivated me.

I stood there completely in awe of God.

Trees are significant to me.  As I walked through my own storm, God has used the symbol of a tree to remind me about the importance of DEPTH and growing deep roots in my faith.

This is why this picture was such a special surprise to me that morning and now hangs above my desk. But there was more to the surprise.

The timing was special too. You see, this past week, I was working with a designer to create my first logo: a tree with deep roots that incorporated my name.

So, you can imagine my surprise when my dad said, “This tree reminds me of your new logo.” I was surprised just how similar the trees looked too!

Friend, I am so excited to share this new logo with you! 

As I stared at the details in this logo, I was once again in awe of God!

The deep roots are so important for the life of a tree as well as for your life and mine! Deep roots help a tree withstand a storm, but they also allow the tree to grow to new heights! Sometimes God is growing us down first because He has plans to take us up higher than we could ever imagine!

This tree has beautiful green leaves as well as blue fruit!  Being fruitful is a sign of a healthy tree! For a Christian, seeing the Fruits of the Spirit is a sign we are growing and maturing!

Friend, I want you and me to be like this tree!

I want us to have Depth! I want us to be Fruitful! I want us to be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally and spiritually!

I am so thankful for this special surprise this week, and I pray it can help remind us to daily depend on God’s Strength as He grows our roots deeper and helps us bear fruit!

Love, Jodi

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