9/11 We Will Never Forget
I will never forget today.
Sept 11th was a day in our country’s history that changed our lives forever. I remember watching on TV as airplanes were used as weapons and thousands of people lost their lives. I will never forget watching the twin towers crumple to the ground and feeling helpless as our country was under attack.
That tragic week, our country wept together. We cried for all the pictures of missing people hung in NYC. We united together to help the wounded that had survived. Together we prayed for our nation. Together we stood strong as we rose up from the ashes. TOGETHER!
I believe that our enemy meant to divide our country that horrific day, but it actually did the opposite. Our country became UNITED!
Boldly, we let our enemies know that we are the United States of America and united we were! With our flags hung proudly at our homes, we showed our patriotism as well as our cohesiveness!
Our country bounced back stronger than we were before the attack on Sept 11th.

As I reflect on this day, I am reminded that each of us will experience are own tragic days. A loved one will pass. A marriage will end. A job will be lost. A cancer diagnosis will be given. A child will rebel. There are no guarantees that we will get through life without any pain or hurt.
This can feel hopeless at times, but I want to share with you a quote from Jennifer Dukes Lee. She says, ““The guarantee has never been that we would avoid the valley. The guarantee is that we wouldn’t walk through it alone.”
Friends, this is so important that we don’t miss this. We are never guaranteed a problem free life, but we are guaranteed that God will be with us, helping us through our heartbreak and pain.
As I walked through my own deep valley, I can confidently say that I was not alone. I felt God’s strength to help me get through each day. I felt His love and comfort as I grieved. He gave me wisdom and guidance when I felt lost. God wants to do the same for you.
Just like our country bounced back stronger, I believe that you will bounce back stronger.
As you face these hard days and challengers, remember that you do not have to face them alone. God is walking with you.
Let’s pray today for all the families who lost loved ones in the 9/11.
Love, Jodi
Note: The quote I shared is from Jennifer Dukes Lee’s most recent book, It’s All Under Control. I had the privilege to interview her in my latest Depth Podcast. I encourage you to check out interview. You can find links to apple and google podcasts on the homepage of my website.
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