226. Nine Words From Jesus — Chuck E. Tate
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Do you need a breakthrough? Maybe you have been praying for someone in your life and it is a relational breakthrough. Maybe you have been praying for healing and you need a breakthrough in your health. Maybe it has to do with a job or a God-sized dream on your heart.
Whatever it is, I am so excited because this week on the podcast I talk with Chuck Tate about his new book: Nine Words From Jesus. He is going to share a story in the Bible where Jesus says nine words to this blind man. He ends up performing a miracle and giving this man his sight. These 9 words are powerful! Now, I don’t want to give them away– instead, I want you to hear the wisdom from Chuck on this week’s episode.
Also, I am so excited for someone to win a copy of Chuck’s new book: *Nine Words From Jesus. All the details of the book giveaway are on my website at jodisnowdon.com or you can click this direct link: https://kingsumo.com/g/1v98d6m/nine-words-from-jesus
Other important Links:
- Link to Depth Podcast Episode 35: Chuck’s first episode on my podcast where we highlight his book, *41 Will Come.
- Link for Depth Podcast Episode 164 where I share about my two favorite prayer books by Mark Batterson.
Book Recommendations:
- *Circle Maker by Mark Batterson
- *The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus
Chuck E. Tate is an award-winning author, the founder and senior pastor of RockChurch, and a host of the acclaimed Revival Town Podcast. A popular media guest and contributor, he hosts a weekly LIVE Bible study on TikTok. Learn more at ChuckETate.com.
*Note: If you are interested in purchasing this book or the books recommended, I would love for you to use the Amazon Affiliate link above to help support the podcast. Thank you!