Identity in Christ
One of my favorite authors is Lysa Terkeurst; I follow her blog and have read many of her books. A while ago, she interviewed her pastor, Steven Furtick about his new book, “Crash the Chatterbox.” I remember he had so many amazing things to say so I bought his book. To be completely honest, his new book sat on my nightstand for many months. Can anyone relate to that?? Love how God’s timing is always perfect. About 2 months ago, a friend and I were talking about how easily negative thoughts can enter our mind and distract us from our purpose. As I was looking for a way to encourage her, I saw this book sitting on my nightstand. I opened it up and read the insert about the book, it said, “Inside your head and heart is a chatterbox. Its lies are keeping you from realizing your God-given potential. The voice you listen to will determine the future you experience. Learn how to Crash the Chatterbox… and Hear God’s Voice Above All Others.” Wow- this was exactly what we both needed to hear so we started reading the book and it was amazing- totally recommend it to all of you to read!
In his book, Steven focuses on 4 key areas that debilitate us: insecurity, fear, condemnation and discouragement. I thought I would start today with some of the profound truths that I have learned about insecurity from his book:
He talks about how important it is that we know our identity in Christ and how this is not dependent on anything we do or cannot do. God says we are his masterpiece, loved, redeemed, valuable, fearfully and wonderfully made…. Again, none of this has to do with our performance. This is just who we are in Christ and by focusing on these qualities, we can crash the chatterbox in our minds that say the opposite. Sometimes we may feel defeated and I love this one part of Steven’s books because he gives examples of how we may be feeling frustrated or down but then states a truth or promise of who we are in Christ- so powerful!
- I don’t like myself very much in this moment but I am loved.
- I don’t seem to be gaining much ground in this battle but I am more than a conqueror.
- I don’t have a lot of confidence in myself right now, but I am strong and courageous.
- I don’t know how to fix this part of my life but I am healed and whole.
- I don’t know how long I’ll continue to struggle with this sin, but I am forgiven and free.
How do I know? Because God says I am.
Ladies, I hope this message encourages you! I know it is so freeing to know that God loves me and accepts me just as I am that I don’t have to do anything more to earn his love. God loves each of you so much. Tell yourself today that you are valuable, loved, accepted and His Masterpiece!! I want to end with this great quote from his book, “The chatterbox cannot control the thoughts and trajectory of the child of God who faces each day with this attitude: I have nothing to prove, because I am already approved.”
Love, Jodi
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