Welcome To My Free Resources
So thankful you are here! I hope these resources encourage you as you walk through your unexpected storm as well as help you grow deeper in your faith and stronger in your relationships.
10 Bible Verses to Encourage Your Hurting Heart
I believe our time spent daily with God directly influences our ability to handle our heartbreaking emotions. These Bible Verses helped me during my grief, and I pray they help encourage you in your loss or disappointment. I am thankful that God is close to the brokenhearted and walks with us during our unexpected storms.
10 Verses to Encourage Your Hurting Heart
God's Truth to Combat Your "Not Enough" Thoughts
As God asks us to take a leap of faith, doubt will start to creep in. Many times, we tell ourselves we are not good enough, smart enough, strong enough... or many other not enough statements. We need to speak God's truth over these words, so I have provided a list of 10 "Not Enough" Thoughts and a Bible Verse for each to combat these doubts.
God's Truth To Combat Your "Not Enough" Thoughts
HOPE for the Hurting Heart Prayer
This prayer is for anyone walking through an unexpected storm. Sometimes it is hard to find hope in the middle of the hurt and grief, so I wrote this prayer to encourage you. It is part of a message I share called Hope for the Hurting Heart, and I pray these words offer you HOPE!
HOPE for the Hurting Heart Prayer
Books to Help You Heal and Grow
Books were an important part in my healing as well as my growing and continue to help me today. I have complied a list of my favorite books that I would love to share with you.
The Divorce "Get" List: 12 Important Steps to Take if You Find Yourself in an Unwanted Divorce
Within one week, I sadly found out three of my friends were walking through unwanted divorces. My heart broke for them as I remembered how difficult it was. Trying to offer support, I wrote a list of 12 steps (get...) that can help them as they walk this tough road.
Divorce "Get" List: 12 Important Steps to Take if You Find Yourself in an Unwanted Divorce
Grieving Through the Holidays
Since Holidays have a way of magnifying our grief, let me encourage you by sharing some things that helped me during my grief. Praying these 10 steps help you as you are missing your loved one this Holiday season.
10 Steps to Help you Through the Holidays
Easter Message Eggs by Pat Brownlee (my mom)
Need help teaching your kids the true meaning of Easter. I recommend the Easter Message Eggs, a detailed list of 19 different objects and a Bible Verse to go with each one for you to create for your kids. You can open a couple each day during Holy week or do all of them together on Easter. No matter what the age of your child, these eggs will help them understand Jesus' gift on the cross and the importance of the resurrection.
Best Gifts to Comfort Someone After a Miscarriage
When a loved one walks through a miscarriage, it may be hard to think of the right gift you can give them to honor their baby or help them in their healing. I would like to share with you some gift ideas that I have either given or received myself as well as some ideas from friends who have lost a baby.
Best Gifts to Comfort Someone After a Miscarriage
7 Prayers When Your Heart is Breaking
When you are walking through loss and grief, sometimes you don't know what to pray. I have written out 7 prayers to help you when you don't have the words. There is a prayer for strength, peace, and wisdom as well as a prayer to forgive, trust God, and grow. I even included a prayer for your children as they grieve.
7 Prayers When Your Heart is Breaking
10 Bible Verses With a Personalized Prayer for Your Child
Praying Scripture over our kids is powerful. Below are 10 Bible Verses with a personalized prayer for your child. I made two versions- one for a son and another for a daughter. I recommend inserting your child’s name on the line to personalize it!